International Women's Football Union and Related

First and Only International Women’s Football Union and Related – SIFFA


About us

Our values and beliefs

Our International Union of Women’s Football and Related, in its spanish acronym SIFFA, promotes values that establishes the guidelines of the labor field and thematic related to the environment that structures women’s football in each and every one of their representations.

We represent and defend the interests of all those Players, Technical Directors, Physical Trainers, Referees, Field Assistants and Related.

We work with commitment to improve the conditions of each and every one of those women who go through this beautiful profession that is Soccer.

We apply integrity and ethics; working to eliminate corruption and other unethical behavior for Women’s Soccer.

Our main objective is to ensure the Labor, Sports and Social Rights of all our affiliates.

What we do

Fundamentals of work

Many times we only hear about who are those figures that are at the top of Women’s Soccer, the interest is focused on their salaries, their passes and / or sponsorship agreements. But, the reality is that the world of Women’s Soccer transcends the field, because behind each player there are also women who work accompanying, supporting and supporting each player.

These women, Trainers, Trainers
Physicists, Nutritionists, Psychologists, Referees, Technical Directors, work in a precarious, increasingly competitive labor market where labor guarantees are cut off or null.

SIFFA works to guarantee working conditions for the personal development and professional growth of each person linked to the world of Women’s Soccer.

Salomé Di Iorio - AFA - FIFA REFEREE


Professionals in the world of Women’s Soccer must have the same Rights as any other worker in any other Industry.

SIFFA provides the rules and structures to Protect your Assets, your Contracts, your Labor conditions and the environment, your Safety, your Health and your Development.

First Argentina Women's Selection 1993


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Cristina E. Campos



1991) “Maria Cristina Campos” Foundation for Children with Down Syndrome

“The Maria Cristina Campos Foundation had its conception in the mind of my grandmother, after a child with Down Syndrome was left abandoned at the door of her house, this led her to want to make a home so that these children would not have to return to suffer such a cruel fate; Being one of the greatest references I had in life, she could not allow me not to fulfill her dream, a dream that came to me after her departure from this world.”

1995) Auditor General of the Nation

“The position of Auditor General of the Nation is for me, the recognition of all my personal and professional effort.”

1998) International Recognition of Wallmart USA for the best Argentine Foundation • Awarded to the “Maria Cristina Campos” Foundation for being the only Argentine organization lacking all kinds of economic aid

“Our policy of the aforementioned Foundation was not to depend financially on both Public and Private or governmental Organizations, we preferred a donation of non-perishable food and clothing in order to provide a better quality of life for the parents and children for whom we looked after. , in the eyes of Wallmart USA, and taking into account the magnitude of our mission, this made us deserving of this recognition, however, and despite being grateful for such a distinction, I personally believe that it should have been granted to a foundation in Brazil that focused on childhood cancer that counted and counts today with the greatest of my respect “

1998) Honorable Resolution of the National Deliberative Council

Awarded as a concept to the best Argentine Foundation, (Rufino, Province of Santa Fe, R. Argentina)

“This mention was granted in recognition for being the only Argentine Foundation (Fundación “Maria Cristina Campos”) to help the GREATEST WATER EMERGENCY IN HISTORY at that time in the Town of Rufino, bringing humanitarian aid; Although we were grateful as a foundation to the people of Rufino, personally I do not consider that doing the right thing is a matter of MERIT or DISTINCTION, it is simply a matter of Humanities”

1999) Honorable Special Mention Deliberative Council of Lomas de Zamora • Awarded for the FIRST HOME FOR SINGLE MOTHERS

2006) President and Founder “Campos & Campos CE”

“Campos & Campos Executive Consultant is the combination of years of experience in the management, administration and development of professional and humanitarian projects, together with the legal and tax knowledge that comes from 11 years of career as a General Auditor. It was the first time that professional way that my son Christian joined the line of work, which filled me with pride, although he always participated in my working life from a very early age, the knowledge he had acquired over the years was a great relief to the workload of the entire study, at the same time there I did my first act of Legal Representative of Soccer, there began the path towards what today would be this titanic company that is the International Union of Women’s Soccer and Related. ”

2015) Legal Advisor to the US Embassy in Argentina

“In a framework of collaboration between the Argentine embassies in the US and the US embassy here in Argentina, the latter invited me to be part of its buffet as its Legal Advisor to develop consular, socio-cultural and sports activities”

2010) AFA License issued by FIFA

“Obtaining the intermediary agent license in Argentine Soccer was the biggest challenge I encountered in this new professional field, since the AFA had not yet broadened its horizons as far as soccer is concerned, maintaining its Stoic thought of not allowing Women’s Soccer agents, for its part, and given the achievements and knowledge that preceded me, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) found this irregular measure and intervened as the parent company of Soccer to grant my AFA license “

2017) President and Founder of FUARFEM (Argentine Women’s Soccer)

“I already carried 7 years of experience in the field of Soccer on my back, observing the indifference and exclusion of Women’s Soccer in the professional field, added to this that my relationship with the AFA (Argentine Soccer Association) had not improved, and Motivated by a thirst for justice and equity, I decided to create the largest Women’s Football training project at the national level, although today in an organization regulated by the AFA, my dream is that it be independent of it and be regulated at the same level as the AFA by FIFA”

2012) FIFA Agent License

“First and especially, I thank Mr. Claudio De Vitis, Player Registration Manager and Director of the FIFA TMS system, who was the one who trusted and bet on me both in obtaining my AFA license as well as in accepting it. As the First Woman Licensed and Intermediary Agent of Argentine Soccer, who has my greatest respect as an official of the Soccer Federation, in turn acquiring the FIFA agent license is partly what allows FUARFEM and SIFFA to exist today, respectively”

2018) President and Founder of the FAFA Union (Argentine Women’s Soccer and Related)

“The FAFA Union, is a step of greater importance that could aspire for Women’s Soccer and its Related, thinks about the need for Labor and Sports Equality, it had become professional, but absolutely nothing was seen in matters of contracts and economic remuneration , it was and continues to be an absurdity what Argentine Women’s Soccer suffers, then, we had to bet strongly to defend Sports and Labor Rights, Thus Unión FAFA was born “

2019) First Formation of the Women’s Soccer Club Excursionista

“This was a nice project for a person who played Women’s Soccer in a Promotion Club in the C Category, which did not have the obligation to have a women’s team, they only had to have the First Division Categories, and it was a great satisfaction to have put together and presented the team and its management, which was successful while I was there, that’s what counts, Management and Action.”

2023) President and Founder of the 1st Women’s Soccer and Related School

“After endless work with a wonderful International CEO Christian Campos and a great team of a Board of Directors, Internal Committee and Union Commission, the First Union School of Women’s Soccer is obtained from its Initial, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and University stage. , since the Union is and will be the one that grants these qualifications at the National and International level”

2019) Representation of FUARFEM in France

Players of the 3rd age Generation traveled to France sponsored by the FUARFEM Association to represent the country and the same during the Women’s Soccer World Cup that took place on said date and country.

“Achievement in which I still have the satisfaction of being the only person to fulfill the dreams of female soccer players lost in the oblivion of an Argentine Soccer Federation, without any benefit other than that of Giving and Toasting”

2023) President and founder of SIFFA (International Women’s Soccer Union and Related)

“Everything here already has the Special Paragraph, where a Professional understands and visualizes the magnitude of this Union and encourages and drives me to make and turn FAFA IN SIFFA International into the First And Only International Union of Women’s Soccer and Related, where labor rights In the world they were alike and they needed our voices addressed to FIFA, in clear and fair claims, with the 80 countries today I can say that all the effort of my son and mine, success is assured for the new and future generations. “

“Likewise, everything will be the Legacy that each of the Representatives of each country that accompany us and support us must leave a Deep Mark on each Girl, Adolescent and Women in Soccer.
Thanks to everyone who encouraged me and especially to my son, without whom this and everything I have undertaken would not have been possible.”


Claudia Miriam Sarkisian


Sandra Inés Fariña


Gladys Liliana Rodríguez


Adriana Rosa Benetic


Elsa Cristina Alegre


Cristina Mariel Fabi


Carina Beatriz Jerez


María Alejandra Zárate


Tona del Carmen Palacios


Stella Maris


The Argentine Football Association (AFA) establishes and initiates the representation of Women’s Football, on December 3, 1993, with the First Match of the Trasandina International Cup being played in the Republic of Chile, in the City of Santiago de Chile, having the Honor of being designated as the First Captain, from said match the Argentine National Team won 3 to 2.


I was born on May 15, 1964, I have played soccer hand in hand with my father at an early age, so much so that while he was playing I was behind the goal taking my first steps. From the age of 10 to 13 I played in a Club of Isidro Casanova “Villa San Carlos” by the hand of the great DT Luis Garay. Soccer has marked, marks and will mark my life story.

In 1988, and at the age of 24, I embraced soccer at All Boys from Floresta

In 1989 I began my football career in the First Division of Club Atlético Boca Juniors. Argentina, from 1992 to mid-1998 I had the honor of being the Captain of “Las Gladiadoras” (Boca Juniors). In 1992 I had the privilege of obtaining the First Championship by taking the Olympic Tour as a local at the Alberto J. Armando Stadium (La Bombonera, Club Atlético Boca Juniors Stadium, Argentina), in undisputed and perfect ownership in all official matches.

Since the beginning of my professional career at Club Atlético Boca Juniors, I have been consecutively awarded 5 Silver Xeneizes awards (92 to 96 inclusive) in the category of Best Athletes of each Discipline.

I currently give talks for Women’s Soccer from my Professional experience, transmitting the great passion that I have between yesterday and today. I have been appointed by Club Atlético Boca Juniors to transmit and inject in the First Division categories, as well as in the Soccer Schools and Lower Categories, a task that fills me with Honor, Pride and a commitment to transmit, leave a mark and a legacy.

The First Argentine Women’s Soccer Team has already been formed, it is the Chilean Soccer Federation who raise the invitation to participate in the Copa Trasandina tournament. It was then that I had the honor of being the First Captain of the National Team.

In mid-1998, the Argentine Women’s Soccer Team Organizes and Participates in the South American Championship of Mar del Plata, obtaining the Sub-Champion Category and in the same year I am summoned by Club Atlético San Miguel, as Captain and part of the Technical Staff as Assistant Field

The Members Committee of Club Atlético Boca Juniors, in its Xeneizes Legends Category, honored me with the launch of my Biography titled, Gladys Liliana Rodríguez with 2 Editions that are shown every year at the Book Fair in Argentina.

I choose to belong to the First and Only International Women’s Soccer and Related Union to collaborate and enrich from my experience, to defend and vindicate the Labor, Sports and Social Rights of each woman in women’s soccer worldwide.

SIFFA, open paths.

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My name is Luis Garay, affectionately known within women’s football as “Papi” or “Lucho”, I am currently 76 years old, and my history with this beautiful sport in the women’s field began almost by chance, in the decade from ’70.

I was born in Buenos Aires, back in the year ’46, I took my first steps in Ciudadela with my parents. At the age of 7, together with the family we moved to Isidro Casanova, Barrio San Carlos, which saw the birth of this story and among its streets and pastures it houses the memories of great players.

I’ve been playing soccer since I was a kid, with great passion, always engaging, with some occurrences of going as a right winger. The soccer ball was and will be the extension of my body, coming to discover over time that I loved accompanying those who wanted to learn

In my beginnings at the age of 20, I began directing the young people who participated in the Evita Championship, who later suggested that I put together a women’s soccer team to direct them, thus facing another team in a benefit match to raise funds for the Evita Championship. Neighborhood Club “Villa San Carlos”

Thus, the first 8 players are added to that first team and made up. The passion that generated me was so great that I immersed myself in the fight to make Argentine Women’s Soccer visible.

This First and Only International Union of Women’s Soccer and Related – SIFFA, currently does not have accurate information on the names of these players.

The team was called “Estrellas de San Justo”, and I began looking for more young people, among whom I met and accompanied Liliana Rodríguez, player of Las Gladiadoras de Boca, among others, who want to participate and play games. In different places, I met Antonio “Tapi” Caldez, a great guy who joined the adventure without hesitation. Nobody wanted to play against us, so we began to hit home runs, exhibitions and with that we traveled around the country (La Pampa, Entre Ríos, Córdoba, etc.); and localities of the Province of Buenos Aires.

In the 80’s I formed my beloved team called “MINUÉ”, starting with 9 players (correct the last name TORRES) together with them we played championships and went on tours, where more than 50 players have passed, remembering that the base of said team belonged to the Futsal Selection.

Not having an entity, I looked for a club and Yupanqui arrived, in the year ’85, with a squad of 22 players, participating until the year ’93. In this period of time, events such as Kaori’s visit from Japan to learn and take experiences of women’s soccer, the “sale” of Amalia Flores abroad, and becoming the first women’s soccer team affiliated with AFA, took place.

Hotbed of players from the Women’s Soccer Team such as Mirta López, Gabriela Yacovely, Karina Morales and Yanina Gaitan among others.

If you ask me if I regret anything, I would say NEVER, the ball must keep turning.

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Studied at the Catholic University of Central Africa, Yaoundé Catholic Institute

He lives in Douala

He is Founder of the Missionary Work of Charity in the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary

Our dear father Raphaël, was born into a very devout family, his mother, Tolo Véronique, a Catholic Christian, and his father named Abena Joseph. He has three siblings, his brother Olomo Boniface, Nyada Christophe and his only sister Ongono Etoundi Maëva.

He has currently been ordained a Bishop.

The story of Bishop Raphaël Serge Ama is very significant. Being very young he entered the Minor Seminary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Brazil in 2002 and in 2019 he entered Theology Studies; with dedication and Faith he obtained the Doctor Honoris Causa Mention on September 8 he obtained his Diploma awarded by the French Mission of the Brothers and Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.

He currently lives in Cameroon, and travels for five years to make the Church known in Africa and in particular in Cameroon, continuing his devoted Humanitarian Mission.

His Presence in this First and Only International Union of Women’s Soccer and Related Services honors us for his admirable and excellent Mission, we thank Mr. Bishop RAPHAËL SERGE AMA for his support, collaboration and commitment, thanking him for his presence and extending his blessings and sincere wishes prosperity.

“Dear Representatives and Members of the First and Only International Union of Women’s Soccer and Allied I am the Reverend Father Raphael Serge Ama, Founder of the Association of Missionary Charities whose objective is to help those in need first and ensure their integration within the whole society, I am very happy to be part of this First and Only International Union of Women’s Soccer and Related, SIFFA I will be there to support your wonderful cause in defense of Labor, Sports and Social Rights for Women”.

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I am Andrea Safina, I live in Italy, I have been involved in Soccer for some years with love and dedication to this sport that I also practice and that I have been passionate about since I was a child.

I have been and am a collaborator in various brokerage firms and when the Founder of the First and Only International Women’s Football Union and Related – SIFFA, FIFA Agent Cristina Campos, of whom I have the honor to be a friend, told me about her great Project, no doubt.

The First and Only Union in the world for each woman who is part of the world of Soccer, not only Players, but also Referees, Technical Directors, Physical Trainers and Related, something Revolutionary and Innovative that will mark the History of this sport in a female version.

In fact, unlike men, women do not enjoy the same privileges or Rights and it will be our specific task to fight for these differences.

My personal idea is that Men and Women should respect the same rules on the field of play. The President and Founder Cristina Campos has given me the enormous Honor of not only representing my Country (Italy) but also being an International Ambassador of SIFFA, enormously grateful for the trust placed in me, I will try to do everything possible to repay the enormous trust deposited in me, for which I will be grateful.

As of today, Women’s Soccer will be able to count on the contribution of SIFFA, so that they can finally have the prestige and protection they deserve and finally become a completely Professional reality.

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Eduardo Finci Ambassador of the World Wellness Weekend (Republic of Argentina)

Bachelor of Economics University of Buenos Aires Master of Economics- Torcuato Di Tella Master of Business Administration CEMA Professor University of Buenos Aires – General Management –

Ambassador Emeritus of the World Wellness Weekend for Latin America, President of the American Spa Association, Ambassador of the Wellness Tourism Association, President of the American Spa Association, Judge of the World Spa & Wellness Awards, Director of Wello Academy, Director of the American School of Spa, Academic Director and Speaker of the International Congress of Spa & Wellness professionals, Creator and promoter of the Spa Manager Program and Wellness Executive Director, Ambassador of the Wellness Tourism Association for Argentina, Delegate of the Latin American Spa Association for Argentina , Councilor for the World Association for Wellness Tourism.


Dear all, I am pleased to announce as President of the First and Only International Women's Football Union and the International Board of Directors, we have elected eight Bridesmaids who will represent us in Congresses, Conferences and International Matches of the SIFFA International Union, they have demonstrated its Commitment, Responsibility and Respect, offering its Organizations, Platforms and Foundations for Growth and Development



















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Delve into the roots of the International Women's Soccer Union and Related, where passion and struggle intertwine to forge a legacy in the sport.
Where passion and struggle come together to represent and defend the interests of all those women, guaranteeing and defending their labor, sports and social rights.
Learn how we have paved the way to equality and excellence in every play.




If you have any concerns with issues that link you with the community of Women’s Soccer, or you communicate with any means of communication or commercial or legal queries, please include it and fill out the contact form.